PHP Hosting WordPress theme

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An overview of the PHP Hosting WordPress theme

The PHP Hosting WordPress theme sports a clean, uncluttered design, as there are very few graphic elements. The soothing blue-and-white background offers no visual distractions, allowing the content to stand out properly. The yellow action button provides great optical contrast and focuses visitors’ attention on the most important page elements.

Speaking of pages, the PHP Hosting WordPress theme comes with native support for 100+ web pages, most of which offer multitudinous layout personalization opportunities, allowing you to fine-tune your online store’s look and feel as per your vision. New pages will be added as they come along.

All the above-mentioned pages are fully SEO-optimized and focused on a small subset of keywords. You will be free to stylize the content in any way you deem appropriate so as to get your brand’s message across to your target audience.

The PHP Hosting WordPress theme is available for free. The only requirement for you to start using it is a free reseller hosting account with ResellersPanel.

You can sell:


  • 100% Unique Content
  • Available for Free
  • Mobile Ready
  • Fully SEO Optimized Pages
  • Different Page Layouts
  • API Integration


  • Account with ResellersPanel (sign up for free)
  • ResellersPanel WordPress Plugin (required for connection with API)

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