The Best WordPress Plugins for Code Snippets (2018)
You don't have to be a full-time programmer to learn how to display code on your WordPress site. Maybe you’ve just found out a good tutorial that you want to share? ...

The 7 best lead generation plugins for WordPress
If you’d like to run a successful online business, regardless of your targeted market or customers, you should consider the lead generation WordPress plugins. They will ...

How to fix a hacked WordPres website
We can all agree that getting your website hacked is not something you wish for. A hacked website can have a detrimental effect on many aspects of your business: You ...

4 ways to fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress
You will probably agree that getting a “500 Internal Server Error” message can be quite frustrating. And indeed, it's one of the ‘worst’ HTTP status codes, as it's ...

Top 5 rookie WordPress mistakes (and how to avoid them)
Today WordPress is one of the most widely used platforms in the world. It is flexible, user-friendly and is the go-to recommendation for every web project. This means ...

3 quick ways to hide a WordPress post from search engines
All popular search engines, including Google will allow you to hide part of your website's content from the search results which random users will get. To do this, just use ...

The definite WordPress security guide for 2019
Imagine this: You have spent countless hours working on your website. You have great content. You have a steady traffic flow. You have a loyal customer base. And one day ...

7 tips to create a secure WordPress login page
WordPress is one of the most popular CMS systems, single-handedly powering more than 20% of all sites online. However, being so popular has its downsides - WordPress sites ...

The 6 best related posts plugins for WordPress
Imagine the following scenario. You write an article for your website. It gains popularity, people start to come, you collect some leads and convert a few of ...