Simply Elegant WordPress hosting theme

Simply Elegant WordPress hosting theme || Click for Live Demo

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Overview of the Simply Elegant WordPress hosting theme

The Simply Elegant WordPress hosting theme offers a clean design. There are no content borders and the text itself lies against a simple, white background. The most important elements sit atop a cool blue background, which allows them to really stand out from the other elements on the given page.

The overall design of this theme has resonated really well with our customers. And indeed – it is one of our most downloaded hosting themes.

This theme offers native support for all our web pages (over 100). These range from product pages designed to convert your website visitors into actual paying customers, all the way to keyword-rich article pages designed to turn search engine users into visitors on your website. Also, we have SEO-optimized all of the pages.

The Simply Elegant WordPress hosting theme will give you full freedom to customize any page in any way you want. You will be able to modify your store’s overall design to meet your stylistic vision and/or edit the current text to make it match your content strategy.

The Simply Elegant WordPress hosting theme is available to all the members of the Reseller Hosting Program offered by ResellersPanel and can be downloaded for free.

You can sell:


  • 100% Unique Content
  • Available for Free
  • Mobile Ready
  • Fully SEO Optimized Pages
  • Different Page Layouts
  • API Integration


  • Account with ResellersPanel (sign up for free)
  • ResellersPanel WordPress Plugin (required for connection with API)

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