The 11 best WordPress two-factor authentication plugins
Hacking incidents are making headlines every day. Website safety is, indeed, a very serious issue. And no one can predict when an attack can be launched against your ...

How to move a WordPress site from subdomain to root domain
If you are ready to move your WordPress site from a subdomain to the root domain, we are here to help you. The whole process is really simple and will take you no more ...

3 quick & simple ways to disable comments in WordPress
When WordPress was first created, it was intended as a blogging platform. As such, it arrived with built-in support for comments. However, through the years, WordPress has ...

Which is the best blog commenting solution – Facebook’s, Disqus’ or WordPress’?
There are multiple ways to attract visitors to your website. But what will happen once they land on it? What if they want to say something? Choosing a commenting system ...

How to find and fix broken links in WordPress
Among the most common causes of dead links are a recent website migration, a domain name change, a URL typo or a website-blocking firewall setting. There's also a good ...

How to efficiently get more email subscribers
Every year, more and more people proclaim that email marketing is dead and that it's time to move on. However, studies have shown that email marketing not only continues ...

4 easy-to-use SEO strategies to try in 2018
2018 is getting closer and closer, so why not try a new SEO strategy as you settle into the new year? We have scoured the internet to select 4 SEO strategies that you ...

Better domain recommendations in the domain search
We first introduced the domain recommendations tab back in 2015. Its purpose is to offer your customers alternative if their preferredĀ domain name is not available. In ...

6 tricks to boost the WordPress CTR rate [2017]
Once your website is already ranking well in search engines, it means that you have built your engaging content and you already have the needed backlinks. Then it's time to ...