Git available on all Hepsia servers

git hosting For each and every hosting company that strives to remain on top of this developing market – providing a dev-friendly web hosting service is a must.

Application development has come a long way – therefore nowadays it is a necessity to set up online dev environments on a web host.

Git is currently one of the most popular dev instruments. Most developers would expect you to provide it – and now it is available on our web hosting platform.

What exactly is Git?

Linus Torvalds – who also created the Linux kernel – is the original developer of the Git system. It is by definition a version control system (VCS) and it is used for software development.

Mr. Torvalds named it “Git” – as a joke – after the British slang word for an “unpleasant person”.

This tool manages and stores revisions of all types of projects – this includes code files, text files and image files.

With Git there is no risk of losing any data – since it keeps “snapshots” of every change made to the project.

The predecessors of Git – CVS and SVN – committed all changes to a central repository. Unlike them Git allows developers to copy the entire repository to their own system. This way when a change is made to the local copy it can also easily be pushed to the central server.

Consequently, the dev won’t have to make a new server connection for every single change they make.

githubWho uses Git and for what?

Developers mostly use Git for the purpose of setting up preview versions of websites or apps they are working on. This enables them to make all the needed tests on the production server, or even on a different test/staging server.

Every developer who wants to use Git on a web server for testing purposes must do two things. First, create a Git repository on their local machine, next set up a cloned Git repository on the server.

Repository hosting platforms such as GitHub enable developers to test their projects in a web-based graphical environment:

github support hosting platform

Since Git is now enabled on our platform, developers will have the freedom to push, pull or clone their projects not just from GitHub but from any other platform hosting their repository to one or several accounts on our servers.

The best way to do that is via SSH. It first opens a secure connection and then executes Git operations on the server as required.

Thanks to the SSH there is no need for the deployment of a daemon service on the server. Normally this has been one of the main security concerns of web hosts.

Git offers a much more easy and fast way to deploy a script or an entire application on a web hosting server. It also allows users to spread version control content over several hosting accounts simultaneously. As a result developers won’t have to upload content to each and every account separately via FTP. This also pertains to the updates – with a simple Git+SSH command the developer will be able to push an update from the Git repository.

Git available on Hepsia-based hosting services

All Hepsia Control Panel-managed hosting solutions come with Git support by default. These include:

Web hosting packages
Semi-dedicated servers
OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers with a Hepsia installation
Dedicated servers with a Hepsia installation

With each one of these types of services, the customers can use Git right out of the box, without having to activate anything or purchase anything in addition.

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